Self Holding Tapers
Selection & Ordering
- Type of Gages - Plain or Tanged.
- Type of Taper- Morse Taper or Metric Taper.
- Standard specifications.
Ordering Example :
- Smitra Plug Gauge : Plain MT-4 / IS : 2251
- Smitra Ring Gauge : Plain ME 100 / IS : 2251
- Smitra Plug Gauge : Tanged MT-6 / IS : 2251
- Smitra Ring Gauge : Tanged ME 80 / IS : 2251
Description & Features
- The Morse Taper Gauges, both Plug and Ring type are made of superior quality high Carbon Chrome alloy Steel.
- Heat treated and , hardened to 58-60 HRC, to provide a high degree of wear resistance.
- Fine lapped to get maximum seating and surface finish.
- Rough ground and kept for a long period of time before finishing is given; this is done to prevent any distortions and ensure stability through their use.
Common Uses
- The Morse Taper Plain Gauges are used to check female tapers of components, eg. Machine Spindle Tapers, Socket Tapers.
- The Morse Taper Plain Ring Gages are used to check external tapers of components , eg., Machine Spindle Tapers, Socket Tapers.
- The Morse Taper Tanged Plug Gauges are used to check female tanged type tapers, eg. Drilling Machine Spindles, drill Sockets.
- The Morse Taper Tanged Ring Gauges are used to check male tanged type tapers, eg. Drill Sockets, extension Drill Sockets.
Scope of Supply
The Smitra Morse Taper ( M T ) Gauges are available in the following types :
- Morse Taper Plain Plug Gauge.
- Morse Taper Tanged Plug Gauge.
- Morse Taper Plain Ring Gauge.
- Morse Taper Tanged Ring Gauge.